Erasmus Scholar - ADRIAN KEITH R. CAAMINO.

"Pursuing graduate studies in Europe has been one of the best decisions I made in my life. The entire journey was never easy, the experience itself was a learning process not just enriching the things you know and learning more of the things you don’t but discovering more about yourself while working with people from different cultures and countries. If we put it in a bigger perspective, the experience has taught me that everything comes in process, and it is important that we take our time and just live with the moment but what is important is we trust ourselves and just be open for any possibilities and opportunities along the way. Indeed, our experiences deal directly with our senses which truly makes it our best teacher.

As we strive for excellence, not just academically but in all aspects of life, we need to open ourselves to continual and holistic growth. We can only achieve that if we allow and do not deprive ourselves of the various things life has to offer."

Adrian Keith R. Caamino
Master of Science in Resources Engineering (EMerald)
Master in Geology and Mining Engineering from the Université de Liège
Master en Sciences de la Terre et des Planètes, Environnement, spécialité
Georesources Engineering" from Université de Lorraine (France); and
Master of Science – Major: Geosciences from Luleå Tekniska Universitet
